READ: The Razors Edge

You ever have a moment when you think “There has to be more to life than this” Typically this happens in line at Pak’N Save or when you hear your wake-up alarm for the job you hate.

The Razors Edge looks at the choices we make in life. Deciding what is more important like molding ourselves to fit societal expectations, excepting a career driven (rat race) life and chasing money or like the main character Larry Darrell who takes a spiritual journey in search of absolute meaning. “Loafing” as he calls it.
I love the Larry Darrell character in this book. I want to BE that character, but the truth is I’m so far from that guy it’s not even funny. So, I’ll keep trying hoping that one day I might have a breakthrough, or more likely, a break down. Either way I might finally find what I’m searching for.

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